Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday nite

just got to know that dearie working hours will be changed from 10am to 10pm from today onwards…. feel kinda sad….. real sad…. n more lonely…. coz that means he won’t have time for me already…. only got 1 day off every week which is Monday…. I really wonder why all his jobs are like that…. why all his jobs keep on seperating us apart…. why can’t let us be like a normal couple can date any day any time of the week???? why why why WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!……………………………

I hate this feeling….. I really hate it………. the loneliness inside me has begin to grow bigger n bigger n bigger… I already get used to have him beside me during weekends n Public Holidays…. and now? no more having him accompany me already….. instead loneliness has taken his place to accompany me….

I know its just a temp job… but I just can’t tolerate with it…. I just can’t tolerate this kind of loneliness feeling inside me….. its just like a monster keep on pestering you…

haiz…………….. I just dunno how long can I hold on to this………….

anyway…. last nite was our last nite having dinner together on a Saturday nite… he bring me to attend a dinner host by a temple at Paya lebar there… kinda feeling moody…. n keep on throwing temper on him… but he keeps on smiling at me n told me dun be like that… how can I dun be like that? I guess I just want him to pamper me more…

in the end, he biao this 2 things for my parents…


shou tou shou mian “寿桃,寿面”

he said last year he biao for his mum so this year special.. biao for my parents… for being a filial future son-in-law…. muahahahaha… feel like vomit… lolx…

goin to miss him much now…………..


Shionge said...

Hey that's very thoughtful of him to 'piao' the items for your parents ;) Confirmed good Son-in-law (listen to the pro heheheh...

Shionge said...
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