Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Not the best is the best...

Missing someone is the worst thing to do... and yet I kanna got this feeling after meeting Ed for the first time... and ever since after Sunday's meeting, yesterday I didn't got his smses even I had sent him 3 smses over.... I really wonder if do guys when they get busy, do they always like to ignore ppl no matter whoever it is (or is it just me) ??

Haiz... 真的很难找到一个能够和我心灵相通的人....

He got mention that he will be away for business trip to Cambodia for 2 weeks starting from today... think after this 2 weeks if it is still like that... then I shall start to kick him out of my life already...


Kazzzzzzz said...

You meet someone for the first time, not even sure if a relationship is brewing, and you can tell yourself to kick him out of your life if he does not respond to you? Not everyone develops feelings at Godspeed leh, gosh, please give yourself (and him) the necessary time to think through....

Wendy said...

i know not everyone will have feelings at god speed... but then.. at least reply a sms for a courtesy ma... it's really making me worry for him though when u won't know that person is doin ok or not... i know he is busy but at least let the person who cares abt u know that u r fine... isn't it a more normal way ? rather than just ignoring that person at all....n further more i hate this kind of feelings as all my past ex are all like that...

Paul said...

As a guy, I feel that he was just trying to sweet talk u.

But then again, maybe he had a lot stuff to note for his trip.

Dalicia said...

ohhh..give him some time..if you didn't hear from him in a month. then, don't bother...

yeah, life sure sucks hoh

Shionge said...

Hmmmmmm...Wendy as you mentioned that he is going to Cambodia it might (benefit of doubt) there might be a network there.

Just have an open mind, surprises might come your way. Don't send anymore sms to him, if he is sincere, he would respond.

Experience told me that when guys don't respond to your sms, it means they didn't want to continue the friendship/relationship.

But again.....if he is going away during this period, he could be busy and not able to respond lor.

Chin up pal!

Kazzzzzzz said...

one day, especially since he needs to pack for his trip, cannot be used to judge his character lah. Haha. The fact that both of you enjoyed each other's company (from ur previous post) says a lot already, wait till he's back or what then decide lah. Relax k?