Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, the 13th

Woo..... here comes the Friday, the 13th again..... wooooo... sounds spooky? hehe...

Oh well, seems like after we've shifted to new working area, my office keeps on got things getting spoilted...... either is the new toilet bowl spoilt la, or the door knob spoilt la and now the water dispenser also spoilted.... hmmmmm I wonder is it a good sign for us to work in here.... or is it a sign that we shouldn't have moved in the first place? hmmm.... interesting..... I shall see what things will get spoilt in the next few weeks....

So, what have happen to you on today's date, Friday the 13th?? Or what have you done today?

p/s: getting blogskin change again.... muahahahahaha....

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