Sunday, May 13, 2007

For All Mothers

For All Mothers....

You put your Heart into everything you do…
Every act of kindness
and every thoughtful deed;
Every time you reach out
to comfort those in need;
Every one who knows you,
knows that this is true:
You put your loving heart
into everything you do.
All the Love you give our family
somehow seems more special
at this time of year.…

And so do you.

With Warm and Loving Wishes
For Your Happiness, Today and Always.

The above poem is dedicated to all mothers in this world...
and especially to some of them i know in here.... Shionge.. lolx...
and also to my blog friends' mothers... Richie, Paul kor, Elaine mei, Dalicia, Keshi, Jolene, Curryegg, Aidah, Rebec, Perfectwound, Chengyee... and erm... did I miss anyone here?? lolx....

and of course not to forget my beloved mom also...haha... even though sometimes we urgue, quarrel... but.... i still love u as my beloved mom... cos u r the one who born me out in this world.... without u.. i think i'm still swimming in dunno where.... lolx....

so... here's wishing all mothers..... a very ....... HaPpY MoThEr'S DaY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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